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Despite the rain, charity golf day a great success!

Lameys Accountants and Business Recovery and Loughtons Independent Financial Advisers are pleased to confirm that our 8th Annual golf day in aide of Cancer Research and Rowcroft Hospice, at Dainton Park Golf Club on Friday the 6th July, was once again an outstanding success.
Whilst final figures are yet to be confirmed, Adam Buck the joint event organiser from Lameys confirmed that “With the support and generosity of a number of local firms we have once again exceeded expectation and hope to be able to send a cheque to our chosen charities for in excess of £3,000, which we are pleased to confirm is up on last year’s event”.

Players took part in both individual and team stapleford competitions as well as competing for various ‘longest drives’ and ‘nearest the pin’ prizes. In addition there were several donated items which raised over £1,000 in a very entertaining charity auction, compeered by Will Smith of Complete Estate Agents.  Adam commented “I would like to thank everyone that helped out on the day and a number of local and national businesses who supported the event or donated prizes, as without their help it  would not be possible”. Richard Loughton of Loughtons IFA’s, the joint organiser agreed and confirmed “Both Cancer Research and Rowcroft Hospice are charities close to our hearts and we are delighted to be able to support them.  Over the last few years we have managed to raise over £30,000 for very worthwhile causes and plan to hold, what has been a very successful event, next year.”  Richard also commented “We would also like to thank Dainton Park owner David Wood and all the staff at the club for helping make the day run smoothly”.

We would like to extend our thanks to Glyn Wills Photography for providing the photos.
Photos are available for £6.00 each A4, to view the whole gallery please click here


We would also like to thank the following:


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