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Louise Metters

Louise Metters has not set their biography yet

Posted by on in General

We find ourselves in unprecedented times, which will be difficult for everyone.  We want to start by sending our very best wishes to all our valued clients, contacts, friends and their families.

We also wanted to let you know what we are doing at Lameys in order to keep working and sustaining high levels of professional service.  We are following guidance issued by the Government, the NHS, and Public Health England, and we are also keeping the situation and our position under constant review.

We are currently working a rota system at both our offices so members of staff are available to be contacted in the usual way, either by telephone or email.  In addition, staff are working remotely from home.

Where meetings are a concern, we can organise conference calling via a dial in number that we can provide.  We are grateful for your assistance in keeping physical contact to an absolute minimum as a means of safeguarding us all.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Stay Safe



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